A file "AFilesA.txt" provides the list of html pages with questions.
- Question --- - Type of -
-- Time ----------,--File--------,- UserID -,- Vote -,- Duration [s] -
2018,7,19,16,29,49,'00_InEl.html',x201991111,'Text' , 300
"Time" is the latest modification date of "File".
"File" contains the HTML code to build multiple choice question or text input.
"Vote" contains the type: "Text", "MultipleChoice", "Picture", "New"
"Duration" is a suggested duration for the questionaire.
A file "AQStatusA.txt" provides a list of all active questions.
- Question --- - Status of - Type of -
-- Time ----------,--File--------,- Vote -, - Vote -,- Duration [s] -
2018,7,19,16,29,49,'00_InEl.html',Start ,'Text' , 300
Only the last entry is read by the UserInput.html file and displayed, if it is still in the time range.
Status can be: Start or Stop.
A file "ATextInput.txt" provides latest mode and user input.
Extracts "Typ" from string and sends file contents.
Gather date and send to server.
Text Input
Start and Stop text input modifies the file ATextInputA.txt in directory ../php using the script
Flags "Time", "Question", "UserID", "Vote", "Duration" and "Typ" are used.
"Typ" is filename. "Vote" = 1 means text input enabled.
A Client submit reads file via Read_Vote, checks "Vote" for enabled and submits text via Count_Vote.php.
If Enabled text input is added to Status section and then cleared. This reduces repetitive sending.
Questions: Multiple choice or text
Abfrage Praktikumsgruppen via Text: Nachname, Vorname, NachnameX
Zur Einteilung des Praktikums geben Sie mit Kommas getrennt Ihren Nachnamen, Vornamen
und evtl. Nachnamen der Person ein, mit der Sie eine Gruppe bilden wollen oder eine Fahrgemeinschaft haben.
Bsp.: Musterfrau, Tina, Mustermann