
Final: Automatically generate a jelib mocmos layout from a SPICE netlist.
Required: use of jQuery.
Required:<pre><SCRIPT SRC="jelib.js"> </SCRIPT>
<canvas id="SCAN_CELL" class="JELIB" lib="sclib" mode="layout" width="800" height="300"> </canvas>
mode: can be layout or stick
lib: is the name of the jelib file in a subdirectory jelib
class: JELIB to identify layouts
id: name of the layout cell

A Layout and automatically generated stick diagram of an inverter

Library: jelib/InvTest.jelib
cell: AllTest
Library: jelib/InvTest.jelib
cell: AllTest
Library: jelib/sclib.jelib
cell: Switch2
Library: jelib/sclib.jelib
cell: Switch2

Library: jelib/sclib.jelib

Library: jelib/sclib.jelib
cell: FDCE


5.4.2018: Width and height of contact in metal
5.4.2018: Diffusion connection is missing -> AN-Active AP-Active implemented
5.4.2018: Min max extraction and Exports 5.4.2018: Scale to canvas
6.4.2018: 0.5 h Sort elements according to layers for drawing: well, diffusion, polysilison, contacts, metal etc
9.4.2018: 0.2 h vdd gnd export pni@0 missing -> AMetal-1 -> NMetal-1-Pin|pin@0||2|0||||
9.4.2018: 2h Well drawing (rectangles)
9.4.2018: 3h layout drawing started
9.4.2018: 2h load layout from external file: search for canvas class="JELIB" jelib="" cell=""
10.4.2018: 2h refactoring to support subcircuits depth first order

To Do:

0) Fitting canvas to layout size
0) Subcircuit well drawing on top of other cell should be removed.
0) Support rotate and flip of subcircuits
1) Rounding errors?
2) Make separate JavaScript module
3) implement option grid="" 4) Make colored transistor schematic
5) subcircuit depth selection
optional) LTSPICE Text

Revision: 002 Date: 10.April.2018