DAC, ADC Characterization with Arduino WIFI MKR 1010

Prof. Joerg Vollrath, 20.11.2023

Cost 27.- (2020), R2R DAC, PMOD DA2 20.-, AD2 20.-

Video Lecture: Laboratory

Länge: 01:06:27
0:0:0 Laboratory Arduino R2R DAC

0:3:14 PMOD Wiring

0:5:4 New Analysis Tool

0:6:55 Directory structure

0:7:40 Arduino IDE: Board and port

0:9:52 Check COM port ServerAx.js

0:11:44 Start nodejs web server with StartServerAx.bat

0:11:54 Browser go to localhost

0:13:3 Signal generator ramp Run

0:14:50 Oscilloscope tab Run get channel AWG, C3

0:17:20 Look at raw data

0:17:49 Ramp Test INL, DNL tab

0:19:16 Start value 5

0:20:46 Lookup table

0:21:54 Lookup Table tab

0:24:21 Adjust AWG for lookup table range

0:24:52 Sine with lookup table

0:26:1 FFT tab

0:29:40 Reset lookup table

0:29:46 Adjust WAG

0:30:16 Oscilloscope sine signal

0:31:41 Reset lookup table not succesful high number of harmonics

0:32:46 Low pass, Jitter and different frequencies

0:33:46 Not prime number of cycles


This project investigates ADC and DAC performance in an Arduino environment.
1 DAC and 4 ADCs internally of Arduino are investigated for sampling rate, resolution, offset error (minimum code and minimum voltage), full scale error (maximum code and maximum voltage), INL, DNL error and signal to noise ratio (SNR, FFT).
Additionally an R2R DAC and a DAC PMOD and ADC PMOD are controlled by the Arduino.
An Electronic Explorer board can provide signals with a function generator (AWG, DAC) and acquire data via oscilloscope channels (ADC).

The R2R performance should be measured and compared to measurements where one resistors is changed.
Error correction should be implemented in software and improvement should be measured.

-   Overview: Step by step

  1. Setting up Arduino environment:
    Getting started with the MKR WiFi 1010
    Blinking LED
  2. Realize wiring for
    • Arduino DAC and ADC
    • R2R DAC
    • PMOD ADC
    • PMOD DAC
  3. Performance investigation
    • Sampling rate and amplitude
    • Offset and full scale error
    • Ramp data INL, DNL
    • Sine data INL, DNL, FFT, SNR
  4. Change one resistor, measure and do error correction
  5. Summary

Pinout MKR WIFI 1010:

-   1. Setting up Environment

Download and Installation - Arduino IDE for Home

Arduino IDE is already installed in the laboratory.

L:\apps\Arduino click on Arduino

Installation of Win 10 executable.
Zip version is unpacked executable without install? (Device drivers?)

Datei -> Voreinstellung Zusätzliche Boardverwaltung URL's
File ->
URL: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json

Werkzeuge (Tools) -> Board -> Boardverwaltung ..
Arduino SAMD Boards(32-bits ARM Cortex M0+)
Werkzeuge (Tools) -> Board ->
Arduino MKR WIFI 1010

Connect Board via USB
Set COM port: Werkzeuge -> port -> COM..
Win 10: Gerätemanager -> Anschlüsse

C++ Source code LED blink

Datei -> Beispiele -> 01.Basics -> Blink
Sketch -> Hochladen or "button arrow"
Pfad: Dokumente/Arduino/Work

The LED is blinking and everything works.

+   2. Sine and Analog inputs to serial port

+   3. Analysis and FFT

-   4. Extension with R2R DAC, ADC and DAC PMODs

Part list

PartNumberCost (Euro)
Arduino MKR WIFI 1010130.-
Digilent PMOD AD2120.-
Digilent PMOD DA2120.-
Resistor 20k 9 (0)
Resistor 10k 9 (23)
Resistor 100k 9 (23)
Resistor 105k 9 (23)
Resistor 200k 9 (23)
Resistor 215k 9 (23)
Jumper wire Length = 24
Jumper wire Length = 34
Jumper wire Length = 44
Jumper wire Length = 106
Jumper wire Length = 204
Jumper wire Length = 4010
Micro USB cable 1
Conrad: TRU COMPONENTS Steckbrücken-Set (L x B x H) 172 x 100 x 22 mm 350 St. Bestell-Nr.: 2899209 (2024 10.-)
Multimeter, Wire cutter, wire stripper, extra boxes, bag

Pin Assignments


Build the R2R DAC on the board. Connect the output to OSC4, A4 and OSC2, A2, .
Pin ArduinoNameNameR2R
D0 D0 D0 D0
D1 D1 D1 D1
D2 D2 D2 D2
D3 D3 D3 D3
D4 D4 D4 D4
D5 D5 D5 D5
D6 D6 D6 D6
D13 D13 D7 D7
A4 OSC4 Output R2R Output R2R

PMOD DA2 ( 2 Channel, 12-Bit, 125kHz, 8 µs)

Connect DA2 to the Arduino.

Pin ArduinoNameNamePin PMOD DA2
D8 MOSI D1 2
D21 D21 CS 1
+3V3 VCC VDD 6

Only Output Vout1 is used for signal generation.

Digilent: PMOD DA2 20.-
Texas Instruments DAC121S101 8us settling 12-Bit 16.5 MS/s $1.-



Connect AD2 to the Arduino.

Pin ArduinoNameNamePin PMOD AD2
+3V3 VCC VDD 4

Only Input V1 is used for data acquisition.

Digilent: PMOD AD2 20.-
Analog devices AD7991 4 channel, I2C, 1us conversion time, 12-bit

-   5. Analysis Tool

There is a browser based experimental application available for controlling the Arduino MKRWIFI1010 for DAC analysis.

AWG1: Ideal digital data fed to PMOD DA2 and DAC0/A0 Arduino pin


C2: Arduino pin A1

C3: Arduino pin A2

C4: Arduino pin A3

A NodeEEBench_V08.zip file containing nodejs with npm and the HTML and webserver files can be downloaded.
Copy the files into C:\temp. All files should then be in the directory C:\temp\NodeEEBench.
Start the Arduino program from: L:\apps\Arduino\Arduino
The Arduino needs the sketch: DataConverterCharV4.ino in the directory C:\temp\NodeEEBench\Arduino\DataConverterCharV4.
An Internetapplication can than be started by clicking on:

A command window will open starting a internet page. Then the browser should open the internet address http://localhost:3000
with the application to control the Arduino board.
At the end of your session please stop the nodejs server with a <STRG>C keyboard entry.


Waveform Selection

Select a waveform in the waveform generator AWG tab and start the generator 'Run'.
You can see the feed back about the waveform at the configuration tab under the sent command section.

Waveform Acquisition

Change to the oscilloscope tab and click 'Run'. Data is gathered. The Arduino is very slow and therefore data is slowly gathered and the graph is updated.
Below the graph the running number shows the acquisition process.
Each waveform can be activated or deactivated.
Data can be extracted clicking on the Save button in the oscilloscope tab, selecting the data and copying them to a text file or into a spreadsheet program.
This data is taken when you click on the button and not updated until again clicking on the button.
The hide button removes the data list.

If the sine waveform is activated a FFT can be generated after acquisition of 16k data.
If the triangle waveform is activated a INL, DNL plot can be generated after acquisition of 4k data.

FFT tab

Pressing the run button activates FFT display. All selected waveforms in the oscilloscope window are plotted.
Only FFT of a sine signal makes sense for ADC, DAC Analysis.
A table with signal magnitude and total noise magnitude can be activated by selecting a "Channel".
The number of considered points can be reduced py a power of 2.
Take screenshots for documentation.

Ramp Test INL, DNL tab

By selecting Calculate for Channel and update of the data is initiated.
By default 256 codes in the range of 0 to 255 with step size 1 is considered.
Calculating a best case lookup table can be activated.

Lookup Table

A lookup table can be downloaded to the Arduino.
It has 256 comma separated values in the range from 0..255.
All generated waveform codes will use the lookup table to get a real code for the 8 bit DAC.
The button reset table resets the table to default state without lookup.
Here you can explore different error correction schemes.
Having less codes gives a smaller range and sine wave generator and ramp test range have to be adjusted.

Further Instructions

Please give feedback about the operation of the program.
What is missing in the instructions?
Is anything not working?
Are the calculations correct?
What features are missing?
Please assess severity of these issues.
Are there any benefits or good features of this application?
Do you like this application?

DAC Characterization

Use ADCs (serial port) and Electronic Explorer oscilloscope input (Export data) for acquiring signals

ADC Characterization

Generate ramp with Electronic Explorer AWG1 or PMOD DAC
Use ADCs (serial port) and Electronic Explorer oscilloscope input (Export data) for acquiring signals

-   6. Task: Interface Electronics WS2024/25

DAC characterization

Use 12-bit PMOD ADC for measurement acquisition.

ADC characterization

Use 12-bit PMOD DAC for signal generation.
Change on resistor of the R2R DAC.
Measure INL, DNL and FFT
Implement software error correction in a lookup table
Measure INL, DNL and FFT improvement

Document your results in a 2 page final report in the following format: Word example report
Sent a pdf file <year>_InEl_R2R_Arduino_<Last Name>.pdf to me.
Deadline for the report is: 19.01.2025
Return date for the hardware before or until 20.01.2025.

-   7. Additional information

Optimization of Arduino DAC & ADC Resolution

Since Arduino DAC and ADCs are set to 10 bits by default, but their resolution can be increased by accessing them via IDE sketch. The resolution of Arduino DAC is increased from 10bits to 12 bits by using the code;
This sketch line is written before the [analogWrite(DAC, sine12);], here sine 12 given as input to let the DAC generate signal that can be tested by 12-bit ADC and then compare with the external 12-bit Pmod DAC. Below is the modified Arduino sketch for optimization of the Arduino DAC.
<!-- Arduino IDE DAC optimization Sketch -->

analogWriteResolution(12);     // Arduino DAC Resolution Change     
     analogWrite(DAC, sine12); //  //Writing Analogue to arduino DAC//

Similarly, the resolution of the ADC is increased from 10 bits to 12 and 16 bits. The results of 12-bit optimized combination are realistic and included in the report. However, it was observed that Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 has maximum accessible resolution of 12 bits, although 65,536 steps (quantization) were achieved but arduino was padding the extra bits with zeros. The following addition was made in the sketch before the serial print argument to increase the ADCs resolution.
<!-- Arduino IDE ADC optimization Sketch -->

analogReadResolution(bits);     // Arduino ADC Resolution Change     

Optimization of Arduino DAC & ADC Speed

DMA allows the faster transfer from data to and from the ADC, DAC to memory. This can speed up waveform generation.

A DAC DMA Exaple was found here.
Sketch ZeroDMA_DAC.ino can be downloaded.
Setting the variable period to 199 gives a sine signal with 32 samples at a sample rate of 240 kHz.

The library Adafruit ZeroDMA gives an example sketch ZeroDMA.ino for reading 256 ADC samples at high speed (2 MHz).

Unfortunately it is difficult to merge the libraries. Change the DAC sampling to ZeroDMA library was not successful.
A general description of SAM DMA can be found here .

IRQ with ADC A4 and DAC A0

The sketch Timer_IRQ.ino realizes a 15.9 kHz sample rate with an ADC input range of 1..1.65V and DAC range from 0..3.3V.
256 8-bit values are calculated for sine lookup.


  1. Increase DAC samples to 256, 4096 or more
  2. Increase ADC samples to 4096 or more
  3. Make a fast synchronous DMA for IOs for R2R DAC
  4. Elimante ZeroDMA library for ADC DMA sampling and merge sampling and generation
  5. Making a nice signal generator and oscilloscope interface
  6. Can more than one ADC input be sampled using DMA?
  7. Adapting other boards using DMA?
  8. Use interrupt ISR for ADC reading and DAC writing
YetAnother USB Oscilloscope

Arduino getting stuck and USB device problems

The Arduino can get stuck with infinite loops and IRQ disabled.
Pressing "RST" button twice changes COM address of the Arduino. Then downloading the Sketch 'Basic' 'Minimum' makes the Arduino again operational at the previous COM port.

Board not listed in COM Ports

Disconnect breadboard from Arduino and look if the board is recognized. A short on the breadboard can disable COM port recognition.
Inspect power connections.

Timeline of Realization