This is a proof of concept page to be able to read a LTSPICE raw file in a web browser and
filter the output with a certain timestep tS.
Results from 1/2*tS, 3/2*tS, 5/2*tS,
.. are displayed at the bottom of the page and can be used for further processing.
Only the last variable of a transient simulation will be imported.
First put in start time, stop time and time step before selecting a .raw file.
There can be problems with very large files (more than 40 MB).
Start time:
Stop time:
Time step:
Please select a result file.
Minimum level ('a' auto or numeric value):
Scale ('a' auto or numeric value):
Measurement analysis:
Extracted values
Map to integer
DAC INL, DNL ramp analysis
ADC histogram ramp analysis
ADC, DAC FFT analysis
Windowing for FFT:
Map to integer scales the voltage values into a range (8-bit:255; 16-bit 65535; 20-bit: 1048575):
Data reduction (power of 2):
This can be used for FFT data processing.
A DAC Analysis assumes one value per input code and does INL, DNL calculation.