- Assemble a 16 bit R2R DAC on the breadboard
according to the schematic and picture
- Connect the inputs D0..D15 to the
PMOD JB, JC connectors
JB: lower Bits D7..D0: 10,9,8,7,4,3,2,1
JC: upper bits D15..D8: 10,9,8,7,4,3,2,1
- Connect the output to the
PMOD JXA oscilloscope connectors
Channel 1: JXA 1 in JXA 7 gnd
Channel 2: JXA 2 in JXA 8 gnd
Channel 3: JXA 3 in JXA 9 gnd
Channel 4: JXA 4 in JXA 10 gnd
- Programm the AWG with the Web interface
and look at the waveforms with the oscilloscope
- Look at the FFT and play around
