Hochschule Kempten      
Fakultät Elektrotechnik      
Schaltungstechnik       Fachgebiet Elektronik, Prof. Vollrath      


14 Colorimeter

Prof. Dr. Jörg Vollrath

13 Operationsverstärker Offset current, noise

Elektronik 3 Operationsverstärker

Video der 14. Vorlesung 5.5.2021

Länge: 1:02:43
0:0:0 Fehler und Kalibrierung

0:8:17 Colorimeter

0:12:17 Blockschaltbild, Breakout session

0:12:52 Erklärung

0:18:1 Analog Devices CN0312

0:22:28 Video

0:25:13 Blockanalyse

0:32:48 Transimpedanzverstärkergleichung

0:40:28 Hochpass, Pegelwandler

0:42:54 AD8271 Schaltung

0:47:48 Gleichung

0:55:12 Tiefpass

0:59:6 Erklärung Signalverlauf

Rückblick und Übersicht



Blockschaltbild Colorimeter

Dual-Channel Colorimeter with Programmable Gain Transimpedance Amplifiers and Synchronous Detectors (CN0312.pdf)
* OpAmp AD8615
Switch ADG633
Switch ADG733
* OpAmp AD8271
OpAmp AD8618

5 kHz LED Clock

Note that the feedback capacitor, CFx, is required for stability to compensate for the pole introduced by the total input capacitance (diode capacitance plus op amp input capacitance) and the feedback resistor, RFx. For details of this analysis, see Section 5 of Practical Design Techniques for Sensor Signal Conditioning.

The output voltage of the photodiode amplifier swings between 2.5 V and 5.0 V.
For the 33 kOhm range, this 2.5 V output span corresponds to a full-scale photodiode current of 75.8 µA.
For the 1 MOhm range, it corresponds to a full-scale photodiode current of 2.5 µA.

The next stage is a simple buffered ac-coupled filter. The cutoff frequency of the filter is set at 7.2 Hz.


Application Note Analog Devices
CN0312 Dual-Channel Colorimeter with Programmable Gain Transimpedance Amplifiers and Synchronous Detectors

2020 Nachfolgeprodukt

Analog Devices CN0363 Dual-Channel Colorimeter 24.3.2020


TIA Amplifier

R1 = 1 MOhm, VDD = 5V, Vref = 2.5 V
Uout(IPh) = - IPh · R1 + Vref
\( I_{Phmax} = - \frac{U_{out} - V_{ref}}{R_1} = - \frac{V_{DD} - V_{ref}}{R_1} = - \frac{2.5}{10M \Omega} = 2.5 \mu A \)


C = 0.22 µF, R = 10 kΩ
\( \frac{\underline{U_a}}{\underline{U_e}} = \frac{R}{\frac{1}{j \omega C} + R } = \frac{j \omega C R}{1 + j \omega C R } \)
\( f = \frac{1}{2 \pi C R } = 72.3 Hz \)


\( V_x = \frac{V_2 - V_{ref}}{2} + V_{ref} \)
\( V_x = \frac{V_2}{2} + \frac{V_{ref}}{2} \)
\( \frac{V_1 - V_x }{R} = I_1 = \frac{V_x - V_{out} }{R} \)
Vout = 2 Vx - V1
Vout = V2 + Vref - V1
Schalterstellung 1 (hoher Pegel Vin):
Vout = Vin + Vref - Vref = Vin
Schalterstellung 2 (niedriger Pegel Vin):
Vout = Vvref + Vvref - Vin = 2 Vvref - Vin


C = 1 µF, R = 10 kΩ
\( \frac{\underline{U_a}}{\underline{U_e}} = \frac{\frac{1}{j \omega C}}{R + \frac{1}{j \omega C}} = \frac{1}{1 + j \omega C R } \)
\( f = \frac{1}{2 \pi C R } = 15.9 Hz \)


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