Interface Electronics

Laboratory 05: Pipeline ADC

Prof. Jörg Vollrath


This is a laboratory to simulate (, build and measure) a pipeline ADC.

Pipeline ADC circuit: Overview

Ramp or sine signal is selected by switching the node name form INX to IN in the respective statements.
V3 INX 0 PULSE(-1.5 1.8 0 983.4m 983.4m 0 1966.8m)
V5 IN 0 SINE(0.181 1.521 19.32779948)
This simulation contains static CLK for simulating transfer characteristic.
VCLK1 CLK1 0 PULSE(-3 3 5u 100n 100n 19.9u 480u)
VCLK2 CLK2 0 PULSE(-3 3 30u 100n 100n 19.9u 60u)
VCLK3 CLK3 0 PULSE(-3 3 55u 100n 100n 19.9u 60u)
;VCLK1 CLK1 0 DC 3
;VCLK2 CLK2 0 DC 3
;VCLK3 CLK3 0 DC -3
Dynamic CLK statements (PULSE) are used for normal operation generating serially 8 bit at Dout.
Removing and inserting semicolons ; activates one or the other option.
Generating a positiv digital signal Dout from 0V to 3V requires R3 and R4 connected to VDDp.
On the left are the 2 switches selecting input voltage V(in) (CLK1) or V(res) (CLK3) from a pipeline stage operation.
The voltage Vin is saved as Vinx on sample and hold capacitor C1.
The comparator X3 generates data output Dout.
Vout = 2 * Vinx - Dout is generated by X1 and saved via a switch on C2 (CLK2) as Voutx. Buffer X6 feeds VoutX as residue Vres back to the input for the next cycle.
CLK 1 is shortly activated to sample V(in) and generate the first Dout. For the number of required bits CLK2 and then CLK 3 is activated generating the remaining bits.


Static CLK residue ramp measurement

There was an error for static measurement: VCLK3 DC has to be -3 V instead of 0 V to turn the switch off.

Figure: Static residue curve for the pipeline ADC

A dout signal 0V..2.6V is generated.
Input range for static simulation is from -1.4495 V up to 1.50 V.
These are the crossing points of V(voutx) = V(vinx).

There will be missing codes due to output voltages V(voutx) at the switching point of:
1.2444 V; -1.2444 V.
1.2444 V/ 1.5 V = 0.83 = 83%
Missing codes are expected.

Dynamic CLK ramp measurement

The simulation time is .

Figure: Dynamic ramp for the pipeline ADC

Simulation took 38 minuntes with maximum timestep 10u and all signals saved.
To extract input range V(vouty) was scaled (V(vouty)-0.88)*1.55 to be close to the V(in) range.
Input range -1.35 V..1.71 V

The input range is shifted compared to static simulation, probably due to some switch coupling.
For optimum data extraction the start and stop time of the ramp are measured: 43ms..958.9ms.

Dynamic ramp simulation


Every TCLK1 = 480 µs CLK1 is activated for 20 µs to sample V(in).
Sample frequency is 1/TCLK1 = 2083 Hz.
The number of samples in the input range is (958.9ms-43ms)/0.48ms = 1908
The total number of samples are 983.4ms/0.48ms = 2049
Input range -1.35 V..1.71 V
A sine signal needs an offset of (1.71 V - 1.35 V)/2 = 0.18 V and an amplitude of (1.71 V - (-1.35 V))/2 = 1.53 V.
V(Vouty) is between 0 V and 2 V.

CLK2 and CLK3 run at 8 times the frequency of CLK1.
CLK1 samples external voltage v(in). CLK2 samples the residue on C2.
CLK3 transfers the residue back to the input sample and hold C1.
Since this is done 8 times, 8 bits are generated.
Samples per code: 2048/256 = 8.
Expected resolution is 1/8 = 0.125 LSB

Vmax of the DAC is controled by the data input level of VDD = 2 V.
LSB = 2 V / 256 = 7.8 mV.

Simulation data extraction

The first output value of 0 V is not valid.
Read Raw File needs: Start time: 43E-3
Stop time: 959.9E-3
Time step: 480E-6
Map to integer scales the voltage values into a range: 255
Button: Map to integer
Button ADC histogram ramp analysis.

This shows 84 missing codes.

Figure: INL and DNL result of read raw.

This raw curve shows maximum absolute value of INL of 13.
4 bits will be lost.
The extracted integer data is here: Ramp data
This data can be used later for the FFT Analysis with calibration.

Here is the resulting code calibration lookup table: Code calibration lookup table
Missing codes will map to the next lower code.
The maximum code after lookup will be 171.

Here is the resulting code and slope calibration lookup table: Code and slope calibration lookup table
Missing codes will map to the next lower code.
The maximum code after lookup will be 127.

Dynamic sine simulation

What problems of the circuit do you observe?
What improvements could you apply to the circuit?


Figure: Digital sine signal.

Read Raw File
Start time: 480E-6
Stop time: 1
Time step: 480E-6

19 sine periods.

The extracted integer data is here: Sine data
This data is used for FFT Analysis.

Analysis is done with raw data, code calibrated data and slope calibrated data.
Code calibration eliminates unused codes. Since 85 codes are not used 171 codes remain.
Slope calibration looks for lowest slope and compensates for this: 127 codes remain.
Calibration updates the maximum number of occurences (MaxCount), noise limit (Bnoise) and minimum slope (Bslope) limit.

f = 19 asignal = 36.4 dB anoise = 10.4 dB f = 19 asignal = 32.59 dB anoise = -10.79 dB f = 19 asignal = 29.97 dB anoise = -11.77 dB
SNDR = 20 dB .. ENOB = 3.2 SNDR = 43.38 dB .. ENOB = 7 SNDR = 41.74 dB .. ENOB = 7
MaxCount = 15, noise= 7.4, Bslope=7 MaxCount = 26 noise= 7 Bslope= 6.2
There is a big improvement from 3 bits to 7 bits with discarding unused codes.
Harmonics are damped with slope calibration, but no SNDR improvement can be seen.
There was a program bug. The time signal is scaled down from a range of 256 to 171 to 127 using code and slope calibration. This is not reflected in the INL, DNL graph.
Slope calibration seems not be effective for INL, DNL.
At the moment the maximum number of occurences for a code (MaxCount) is used for slope calibration. This results in an even higher number of occurences.
Since DNL could be up to 1 LSB perhaps a lower value down to MaxCount/2 could be used for improvement.
Automatic bucketing should be improved.
A better approach could be:
The codes with lowest occurence should be mapped to the next/previous lower code bucket.

Circuit improvements

GBW of Comparator was increased to 1GHz. This prevented any slope reversal in codes as pictured below.

Figure: Slow comparator signal V(dy)at 686.0ms causing bad output code at 686.4ms.

For a ramp only increasing codes should happen. At 686.4ms the code V(vouty) is one less than the cycles before.

R5 is 120k causing a lot of missing codes. This could be decreased to 105k to get less missing codes, but giving still some resilence to offset and gain error.

Building the circuit

Input buffer Opamp

Measure with the oscilloscope minimum and maximum output voltage, gain, bandwidth and slew rate limit.

Distribute VCC, VP-, VP+ and GND along the orange and blue lines on the bread board.
Apply VP+ = 3 V, VP- = -3V, VCC = 3.3 V via the 'Voltage' control panel.
Apply a sine or rectangular waveform to the input using the 'WaveGen' control panel.
Maximum input level:
Minimum input level:
Maximum slew rate:
Maximum bandwidth:
Is the maximum frequency limited by slew rate or bandwidth?
Net nameICpinNrICpinNr
vinTL974 IN3+10EEAWG1
vin1TL974 IN3-9TL974 OUT38
vin1TL974 OUT38EEOSC2

Apply: VP+ 3V, VP- 3V, AWG1 sine, 0V offset, xx V amplitude

Laboratory finish

This is the last step for WS2019 to be completed.


Make a report as a web page.
Send a ziped group directory with your data containing also a printout of the webpage in a pdf file to

You can use the freeware program PDF Creator for generating the pdf file.

The directory should be named 2019_Group<X>00 with your group <X>.


Each question should be answered. The answer should be correct/make sense. There should be some text discussing the work strategy, obstacles and results. Submission should happen until 2.2.2020. A nice document format and correct use of English language and spelling is graded.

Summary so far

Sample and hold

Measure with the oscilloscope limits of the sample and hold.
What sine frequency and amplitude do you need?
What clock frequency do you need for CLK1 for the switch?

Distribute VCC, VP-, VP+ and GND along the orange and blue lines on the bread board.
Added Connections:
Net nameICpinNrICpinNr
vin1CD4053 ay16TL9748
CLK1CD4053 Sel A11EEDIO18
vinxCD4053 OUT a14EEOSC3
VINXC11CD4053 OUT a14

Apply: VP+ 3V, VP- 3V, AWG1 sine, 0V offset, xx V amplitude
Generate a clock with DIO18


Document the transfer characteristic.
Added Connections:
Net nameICpinNrICpinNr
VinxTLC974 IN4+12Cd4053 OUTA14
Vref1TLC974 IN4-13EEVref1(GND)
DxTLC974 OUT414R31
DxTLC974 OUT414R81
R62TLC974 IN2-6
VoutR52TLC974 OUT27
VinxCD4053 OUTA14TLC974 IN2+5


Added Connections:
Net nameICpinNrICpinNr
VoutTLC974 OUT27CD4053 CY3
VoutxCD4053 OUTC4TLC974 IN1+3
VoutxCD4053 OUTC4C21
VresTLC974 OUT11TLC974 IN1-2


Added Connections closing the loop:
Net nameICpinNrICpinNr
VresTLC974 OUT11CD4053 BY1
VinxCD4053 OUTB15TLC974 IN4+12

Serial parallel:
Net nameICpinNrICpinNr
DoutR32SN74HC595 SER14
D0SN74HC595 D015EEDIO8
D2SN74HC595 D22EEDIO10
D3SN74HC595 D33EEDIO11
D4SN74HC595 D44EEDIO12
D5SN74HC595 D55EEDIO13
D6SN74HC595 D66EEDIO14
D7SN74HC595 D77EEDIO15
SN74HC595 /G13