Hochschule Kempten      
Fakultät Elektrotechnik      
Interface Electronics       Fachgebiet Elektronik, Prof. Vollrath      

Interface Electronics

Laboratory 03: ADC DAC analysis instructions

Prof. Jörg Vollrath


This is a laboratory to simulate an ADC DAC set up with ramp and sine test.

Documentation and IEEE publication

Search: IEEEexplore Vollrath

HS-Kempten OPUS database

Template for this laboratory:
Word example report
Open this report and save it with a file name suitable for you and the professor in a subdirectory.
Save all simulation input files, images, references in subdirectories with suitable names.

Documentation is done as longer Word text documents as books or in conference proceedings, as presentations (Powerpoint, 20 minutes) at conferences, as short videos (3..5 min, Youtube), as internet news feeds with a nice picture, a heading and one sentence as a teaser for a full internet report and in social media.

Therefore the IEEE format was modified to start at the top like an internet newsfeed and then continuing as a normal report page.
Documentation should enable the reader to reproduce the results, contact the author and cite and discuss content.

ADC DAC Schematic

The schematic shows a 4-bit ADC DAC simulation set up.
Simulate a ramp test.
V2 in1 0 PULSE()
Make sure the .save V(in1) V(vout) saves vout as last value, to be able to postprocess it.
The simulation generates a file 4Bit_ADC_DAC_pipe.raw with simulated values.
Unfortunately this file is binary coded and timesteps are varying.
Extract the simulated values with Read Raw File .
You can also calculate INL, DNL with any tool you like.
Document and discuss INL and DNL values.

Simulate a sine signal test.
Extract the simulated values with Read Raw File .
Calculate FFT, INL, DNL with FFT webpage and paste the extracted values from LTSPICE into the input field.
Document and discuss FFT, INL, DNL and SNR values.

Video Instructions LTSPICE ADC DAC Test Circuit

This video presents the download and run of LTSPICE files.
Search for "Vollrath InEl"
Open LTSPICE presentation.
Go to "Scalable behavioral 4 Bit DAC", "Scalable behavioral 4 Bit ADC", "Test for 4 Bit ADC and DAC" slides and download circuits (.asc) and (.asy) presented to you after clicking on the circuit.
Run the sine simulation and view V(in1),V(out).
Create a pulse voltage source:
V1 in1 0 PULSE(0 1 0 655.36u 655.36u 0 1310.72u)
Run a ramp simulation.

Duration 10:52 min

01:20: : Download schematics for schematics
04:10: : Download symbols for 4Bit_ADC_DAC_pipe.asc, 4Bit_ADC_pipe.asc, 4Bit_DAC_pipe.asc, sample_hold.asc, Switch.asc,WS2011_Prob4.asc
05:00: : Sine input
05:35: : Output signal
06:30: : LTSPICE FFT
07:30: : Ramp
09:35: : Voltage source

Video Instructions LTSPICE INL, DNL FFT Analysis

This video presents the analysis of LTSPICE simulation files.
Run the ADC DAC test simulation in LTSPICE with a ramp.
Extract the simulated values with Read Raw File .
Use analysis buttons to:
  • Show extracted values
  • Map values to integers
  • DAC INL, DNL analysis
  • ADC histogram analysis
Run the ADC DAC test simulation in LTSPICE with a sine signal.
Extract the simulated values with Read Raw File .
Use the integer values for a FFT analysis.

Duration 13:48 min

00:28: : Read LTSPICE raw data
04:15: : Start time 0, Stop time 655.36E-6, Time step: 40.96E-6
04:58: : First data
05:50: : Map to integer
06:25: : DNL INL graph
07:13: : Histogram with smaller step size 5.12E-6
08:10: : Map to integer
08:42: : ADC histogram analysis
09:20: : Simulate sine
09:50: : Read data values
11:05: : Histogramm test
11:40: : Copy values
12:00: : ADC FFT Javascript, Fill input data field, read integer values
12:50: : SNR 11.87-(-13.89) dB = 25.76 dB ENOB = (15.76-1.76)/6.02 = 4
13:16: : Sine histogram INL and DNL

ReadRaw File

Sometimes ReadRaw File.html has problems updating the directory link. Please check the displayed raw file for correct time.
Try changing the directory or reloading the internet page.
The raw files are quite big (100 MByte) so a little time is needed for extraction.

Start, Stop, step for LTSPICE and ReadRaw File

Ramp test

The digital input codes for a ramp up can be generated with pulse statements.
Example for a 4 Bit DAC:
V0 D0 0 PULSE(0 4 2m 1u 1u 2m 4m)
V1 D1 0 PULSE(0 4 4m 1u 1u 4m 8m)
V2 D2 0 PULSE(0 4 8m 1u 1u 8m 16m)
V3 D3 0 PULSE(0 4 16m 1u 1u 16m 32m)
Here the clock cycle time (last parameter), high time and delay is doubled for every higher order data input.
The delay is set to realize an up count.
The minimum cycle time is chosen, so that the output signal changing from the highest code (1111) to the lowest code (0000) is settled.

This simulation in this example needs 32 ms (.tran 32m, 24 · 2 ms = 32 ms) for the ramp. Start would be 0 s and stop 32 ms = 32E-3 s. The internet tool does not support unit modifiers like u, m, k..
The step parameter would be 2E-3 (2 ms) to get 24 = 16 DAC output voltage values.
Simulating and ADC with a ramp and histogramm test would need multiple samples per code.

Sine test

Starting value is the data converter sampling time tsample.
Then a reasonable sample number is chosen Nsample = 4 · 2NBit.
This gives the simulation time tsimulation = Nsample · tsample.
.tran tsimulation
Sometimes initialization of the circuit is needed, adding to the simulation time and shifting the input signal.
An odd or prime number of periods Nperiods for the sine is selected (1,3,11,101,1001, 10001).
The frequency for the sine signal fsignal can be calculated as fsignal = Nperiods / tsimulation
The frequency of the sine signal has to have a high accuracy to make sure an integer number of periods is simulated.

In this example
tsample = 10 ns.
Nsample = 65536 = 2 16 = 4 · 2 14.
tsimulation = tsample · Nsample = 655.36us
fsignal = Nperiods / tsimulation = 16784.66796875

For ReadRawFile Start = 0 Stop is 655.36E-6 and Step is 10E-9

Simulation R2R DAC

The schematic shows a 4-bit R2R DAC.
We will use it in the ADC DAC simulation to see some errors.
Create a symbol and hook it up to the ADC DAC test circuit from last week.
Modify the resistance values. For example 1.5k, 2.5k, 1.3k, 1.7k.
Simulate a ramp test.
Extract the simulated values with Read Raw File .
Calculate INL, DNL with any tool. Document and discuss INL and DNL values.

Simulate a sine signal test.
Extract the simulated values with Read Raw File .
Calculate FFT, INL, DNL with FFT webpage and paste the extracted values from LTSPICE into the input field.
Document and discuss FFT, INL, DNL and SNR values.

Duration 6:34 min

00:34: : Include R2R DAC
01:52: : Simulate real R2R DAC
02:23: : Modify R values: R6 1.3k, R9 1.5k
03:16: : Read, mapto integer, copy values to FFT, process
04:29: : SNR 12.09-(-6.75) dB = 18.84 dB
04:55: : Ramp test
05:28: : Step 40.96E-6
06:07: : INL and DNL with error

Video Instructions LTSPICE .Measurement

This video presents the analysis of LTSPICE simulation files with a .measure statement.
Run the ADC DAC test simulation in LTSPICE with a ramp.
Insert SPICE directive:
.meas trans OUT00 FIND V(vout) AT=81.92us
After simulation "View","SPICE Error log" will show the result.
Multiple measurement statements can be placed into a file.
After simulation "File","Execute .MEAS script" generates the results.
A 10-bit data converter should have about 16384 measurement values. Data extraction can be difficult and quite time consuming.

Duration 5:55 min

00:44: Measurement statement
01:35: First measurement statement: .meas trans OUT00 FIND V(vout) at t=20.48u
05:20: .meas script

Step by Step

Task and Documentation

Do a 8 bit R2R DAC simulation with resistance error and simulate INL, DNL and SNR.
Each person should vary different resistance values.

90 min: Setting up R2R DAC and doing first analysis.
Ramp and sine curve, INL, DNL, SNR
90 min: Change resistance values, simulate and look at INL, DNL and SNR.

What were your challenges and problems?
What INL, DNL and SNR were you expecting?
How are resistance values and INL, DNL, SNR curve relate?
What happens if you skip one simulation sample or take too many samples with your results?
Document your results in a 1 page IEEE report.
Submit the pdf file with a suitable name via email.

Target date for report 22.11.2023