Hochschule Kempten      
Fakultät Elektrotechnik      
Interface Electronics       Fachgebiet Elektronik, Prof. Vollrath      

Interface Electronics

Laboratory 03

Group A04, ****68, G



The set up of 4 bit ADC and DAC

LTSpice Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC With Ramp and Sine Input Signal

Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC with Ramp Input Signal by Simulator of Read Raw File

    On the upper right side, the simulation result of Read Raw File
    from 4 bit ADC and DAC. The sampling rate is chosen as 40.96 µs
    which means it is sampled every 40.96 µs.The blue color is the
    extracted values at the sample points and the green color for the ideal
    values. When these two are compared, now difference is visible

    On the lower right side, the errors of DNL and INL can be seen
    for every step which is assumed none.
    Both figures are obtained directly

    Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC with Ramp Input Signal by Simulator of Read Raw File

      As previously mentioned, on the upper
      right side is the simulation result of Read
      Raw File from 4 bit ADC and DAC. However, here,
      the sampling rate is chosen as 5.12 µs
      (128 sampling points). Each step has 8 sampling
      points. Furthermore, it ideal curve is deviated
      due to offset error.

      Compared to previous slide, DNL and INL static errors can be obtained.

      Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC with Sine Input Signal by Simulator of Read Raw File

        Extracted values of sine signal is sampled with time
        of 5.12 µs which corresponds to 128 points.
        On the right side, the extracted values of sine signal
        is sampled with time of 20.48 µswhich corresponds
        to 32 points. However, it is assumed that aliasing can

        In the figure below, Sine histogram test is shown (DNL
        and INL errors). The typical bath tub shape of sine
        signal is also seen.

        Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC by Simulator of FFT

          On the right side, the simulation
          results of FFT of 4 bit ADC and DAC
          by using the webpage simulator.
          From the figure of FFT, frequency
          components are observable. The
          noise is also there.
          Moreover, the INL and DNL for
          sine signal is present.

        Signal to Noise Ratio form Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC by Simulator of FFT

        4 bit ADC and DAC with R2R

          In this part, the old 4 bit ADC and DAC has now R2R
          which is a collection resistors, connected at the four
          digital outputs. This can influence the digitalized
          analog output signal and further errors. For the simulation,
          the R2 and R8 values are changed from 2k to 1.5k and 1k
          to 1.3krespectively.

        LTSpice Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC With R2R

          Ramp simulation result of 4 bit ADC and DAC with R2R which does not have fixed resistances. Compared to previuos ramp which
          has constant LSBs this case, however, different steps (LSB) can be seen. This will lead to static error.

          Even thoughh it has 15 steps, same is observed for the sine signal as well.

          Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC with R2R by Simulator of Read Raw File (Ramp Signal)

            The extracted and ideal ramp signal is below has now noticeable
            deviation from the ideal ramp compared to simulation results
            from the converters without R2R. Especially, starting from 8th step.

            Similarly, the static errors such as INL and DNL are high
            when it comes to 8th steps. This indicates that R2R circuit
            connected to DAC causes static errors to happen.

            Simulation Results of 4 bit ADC and DAC with R2R by Simulator of Read Raw File (Sine Signal)

              If the figure is analyzed, nothing special can be observed.
              However, due to uneven LSBs, deviations are still present.

              INL and DNL are changed its bathtub shape (it has deviated),
              especially code number 6,7, 10 and 11.


                The third laboratory work is concentrated on analyzing static errors of INL and DNL. What special about this laboratory work is that a web tool is used
                for visualizing the static errors and FFT. It can be assumed that a suitable sampling rate is important for not having static errors. Ramp tests are
                conducted with different sampling rated on the webpage tool. 128, 64, 32 and 16 sampling points are considered and out of thesse values. Simulation
                results with 16 points gives the least (none) DNL and INL error. Moreover, as the sampling poirnts are increased the error increases. The reason for
                observation is the converter's bit architecture which is 4 bits. However, it is not the case for the sine signal, too low sampling rates (sampling points)
                cause undersampling and further aliasing. For converting the digital signal back into original analog signal, it leads different frequency of sine signal.
                Converter with R2R circuit can effect LSB values for steps. Different resistor values at the digital outputs cause the DNL and INL errors to increase. FFT
                of the converter can also shows the DNL and INL errors noise and high frequency contents to give deeper insight. Furthermore, by using measurement scripts,
                calculating the step values can easily calculated.

              Experience During Laboratory Training

              • For text editor, a program named BBEdit is used.
              • The problem occured during the laboratory work is caused using the Read Raw File. The issue was to saving values


              [1] Making of a Webreport , Vollrath

              [2] Personal pages of Interface Electronics from Hochschule Kempten, Pr. Dr-Ing. Jörg Vollrath