Hochschule Kempten      
Fakultät Elektrotechnik      
Interface Electronics       Fachgebiet Elektronik, Prof. Vollrath      

Interface Electronics

Laboratory 03

GroupC2, ****71, L


ADC DAC Schematic and Simulation Graph

The schematic shows a 4-bit ADC DAC simulation set up.
Simulate a ramp test.

We have input voltage V2 which is a SINE signal containing 0.5V offset,
0.5V amplitude and 16784.66796875 Hz frequency.
There is also a clock signal for ADC and DAC with 10ns sample rate.
Input Voltage: V2 in1 0 SINE(0.5 0.5 16784.66796875)

FFT of 4bit ADC and DAC:

    From the FFT Simulation it is visible that our output signal has more noise than input signal.

Ramp Test

If we want to use a circuit for a ramp we need a voltage source.
The voltage source V1 connected between in1 and ground.
The Ramp Voltage source V1 is given below:
V1 in1 0 PULSE(0 1 0 655.36u 655.36u 0 1310.72u)
After doing simulation of the Ramp signal I got the below graph.

From this graph it is observable that there are 16 steps in this curve and the step size is fixed. Now for data analysis we need to do filtering. By using a java script tool we can do this.
In this case I went to Read Raw File to extract our LTSpice data so thst we can do this filtering.
This java script can read a LTSpice RAW file and filter the output with a certain time step. To do this filtering I selected below datum:
Start Time: 0
Stop Time : 655.36E-6
Time Step : 40.96E-6
There are 16 steps on the graph and our simulation time is 655.36E-6. So the time step is 40.96E-6.
After loading the Raw file I got the following results:

Expected Values:

DAC INL,DNL Analysis:

For ADC Histogram test we need more time steps and in this case I used 5.12E-6s. Now reload the Raw file again.

ADC Histogram test:

For SINE Signal: First we need to disable the ramp signal and active the SINE Signal in order to analyse the Histogram test for ADC. Then again reload the Raw file to extract the data.

Now after taking the values (input values) from sg table we can do FFT analysis for the SINE signal.
FFT Analysis:

The above signal is 10 bit. After calculating the SNR (range) I found 4 bit signal.
Here is the Graph:

Simulation R2R DAC

The schematic shows a 4-bit R2R DAC.
We will use it in the ADC DAC simulation to see some errors.
Modify the resistance values. For example 1.5k, 2.5k, 1.3k, 1.7k.
Simulate a ramp test. Extract the simulated values with Read Raw File . Calculate INL, DNL with any tool.
4-bit R2R Modified DAC:

In this Circuit I modified resistence (R) values: R6=1.3k, R9=1.5k and


Voltage Source: V2 in1 0 SINE(0.5 0.5 16784.66796875)

From this simulation it is observable that there are errors in the signal especially at the pick and at the bottom of the INL and DNL signals.

Now Active the Ramp Signal to do the FFT Simulation again.
Voltage Source: V1 in1 0 PULSE(0 1 0 655.36u 655.36u 0 1310.72u)

Ramp Signal Raw Data Analysis for R2R DAC:
name: 4Bit_ADC_DAC_pipe.raw
UTF16: 1
size: 39971692 bytes
No. Variables: 2
Extracted Variable: V(vout)
No. Points: 3330877
Title: * C:\Users\Moniruzzaman Likhon\Desktop\Interface Electronics\web_Template\InEl_P2019\2020_GroupC2_V3_Likhon\LTSPICE\4Bit_ADC_DAC_pipe.asc
Date: Sat Nov 07 01:57:59 2020
Plotname: Transient Analysis
Flags: real forward nocompression
No. Variables: 2
No. Points:      3330877
Offset:   0.0000000000000000e+000
Command: Linear Technology Corporation LTspice XVII
Backannotation: x4 clk in1 vdd d0 d1 d2 d3 out
Backannotation: x1 clk d0 d1 d2 d3 in1 vdd out
Backannotation: x4:x1 p1 p2 clk vdd
Backannotation: x1:x1 p1 p2 clk vdd
	0	time	time
	1	V(vout)	voltage

Ramp Signal FFT Analysis for R2R DAC:

Measurement Instruction:
.Measure TRAN V01 FIND V(VOUT) AT=60u
.Measure TRAN V02 FIND V(VOUT) AT=120u
.Measure TRAN V03 FIND V(VOUT) AT=180u
.Measure TRAN V04 FIND V(VOUT) AT=240u
.Measure TRAN V05 FIND V(VOUT) AT=300u
.Measure TRAN V06 FIND V(VOUT) AT=360u
.Measure TRAN V07 FIND V(VOUT) AT=420u
.Measure TRAN V08 FIND V(VOUT) AT=500u
.Measure TRAN V09 FIND V(VOUT) AT=560u
.Measure TRAN V10 FIND V(VOUT) AT=620u
Executed .meas values:
V01: V(VOUT)=0.0488599 at 6e-005
V02: V(VOUT)=0.0977199 at 0.00012
V03: V(VOUT)=0.224756 at 0.00018
V04: V(VOUT)=0.273616 at 0.00024
V05: V(VOUT)=0.371336 at 0.0003
V06: V(VOUT)=0.579805 at 0.00036
V07: V(VOUT)=0.677524 at 0.00042
V08: V(VOUT)=0.80456 at 0.0005
V09: V(VOUT)=0.85342 at 0.00056
V10: V(VOUT)=0.95114 at 0.00062

Challenges Faced

    1. While writing codes for uploading pictures I got an error and it was because of my picture was on different folder.
    2. During Ramp Signal Raw Data Analysis (for R2R DAC) I got completely new extracted values, so my extracted value graph also became different. As a result my DNL and INL Graph changed .
    3. Because of my different INL and DNL graph I got completely different FFT Analysis graphs which I also uploaded in the webpage.


[1] Making of a Webreport , Vollrath