Hochschule Kempten      
Fakultät Elektrotechnik      
Microelectronics       Fachgebiet Elektronik, Prof. Vollrath      

Microelectronics Laboratory

2013 Synthesis of a UART

Prof. Dr. Jörg Vollrath


This laboratory shows an example of a layout synthesis without using commercial tools.


VHDL description of a UART

VHDL code from:
FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples, Xilinx Spartan-3 Version, Chu, Wiley, ca 90.- Euro,
http://academic.csuohio.edu/chu_p/rtl/ VHDL modules:

Xilinx Webpack UART

Start Xilinx Webpack. Configure the project for Spartan 3E, xc3s250, cp132 and VHDL. This uses only LUT3 and LUT4. Do not use Automotive Spartan 3E since it has LUT5 and LUT6.

Choose View: Implementation: Synthesis - XST: Generate Post-Synthesis Simulation Model
Result File: netgen/synthesis/uart_synthesis.vhdl
The result file contains a description of the UART using FPGA primitives.
These primitives have to be available in the layout.

Analysis of synthesis file modulo_10_counter

The modulo 10 counter has a structural description with primitives:
INV (1), BUFGP (1), LUT3 (1), OBUF(5), IBUF(1), LUT4(3), FDC (4)
After synthesis LTSPICE code for simulation was added to the layout.
.include cmosedu_models.txt
VCLK CLK 0 PULSE(0 1 9n 1n 1n 9n 20n)
VRST RESET 0 PULSE(0 1 50n 1n 1n 20n 20m)
.tran 1000n
LTSPICE simulation of the layout shows a working circuit.
Cell Count Function Inputs Outputs Verification status
Xilinx, Electric
INV 1 Inverter I O ok,ok
BUFGP 1 Clock buffer I O ok,ok
LUT3 1 3 input lookup table I0,I1,I2 O ok,ok
OBUF 5 Output buffer I O ok,ok
IBUF 1 Input buffer I O ok,ok
LUT4 3 3 input lookup table I0,I1,I2,I3 O ok,ok
FDC 4 D-flip-flop C, D, PRE Q ok, ok

Test of primitives

Verification is done in Xilinx Webpack with: basic_primitives_test.vhd
Verification is done in Electric with sclib.jelib cells: Sim_LUT2, Sim_Rest running a LTSPICE simulation.
Cell Function Inputs Outputs Verification status
Xilinx, Electric
MUXCY Multiplexer CI, DI, S O ok,ok
XORCY Xor function CI, LI O ok,ok
FDC D-flip-flop with clear C, D, CLR Q ok,ok
FDCE D-flip-flop with clear, clock enable C, CE, D, CLR Q ok,ok
FDP D-flip-flop with preset C, D, PRE Q ok,ok
IBUF Buffer I O ok,ok
OBUF Buffer I Q ok, ok
MUXF7 Multiplexer I0, I1, S O ok, ok
MUXF5 Multiplexer I0, I1, S O ok, ok
BUFGP Buffer I O ok, ok
INV Inverter I O ok, ok

Simulation results of primitives

The output matches for all input signal combinations.

Analysis of synthesis file UART

Structural description with primitives:
Cell Count Function Inputs Outputs Verification status
Xilinx, Electric
LUT3_L 3 3 input lookup table I0,I1,I2 O ok,ok
LUT2_L 3 2 input lookup table I0,I1 O ok,ok
LUT3_D 2 3 input lookup table I0,I1,I2 O ok,ok
LUT4_D 10 4 input lookup table I0,I1,I2,I3 O ok,ok
LUT2_D 2 2 input lookup table I0,I1 O ok,ok
LUT4_D 16 4 input lookup table I0,I1,I2,I3 O ok,ok
INV 23 Inverter I O ok,ok
BUFGP 1 Clock buffer I O ok,ok
LUT1 1 ???? I O ok,ok
OBUF 21 Output buffer I O ok,ok
IBUF 3 Input buffer I O ok,ok
LUT2 13 2 input lookup table I0,I1 O ok,ok
LUT4 3 4 input lookup table I0,I1,I2,I3 O ok,ok
FDP 3 D-flip-flop with preset C, D, PRE Q ok, ok
MUXF5 26 Multiplexer I0, I1, S O ok, ok
LUT3 50 4 input lookup table I0,I1,I2,I3 O ok,ok
FDCE 72 D-flip-flop with clear, clock enable C, CE, D, CLR Q ok,ok
MUXCY 26 Multiplexer CI, DI, S O ok,ok
XORCY 21 Xor function CI, LI O ok,ok
FDC 68 D-flip-flop with clear C, D, CLR Q ok, ok
VCC 1 power supply O ok, ok
GND 1 ground O ok, ok
What is the totaltransistor count?

AnalyzeJS.html Javascript

AnalyzeJS.html was written to translate Webpack VHDL to Electric VHDL.
The html file contains one example of webpack output inside the HTML text for testing functionality.
All vectors had to be unpacked and type was changed from STD_LOGIC to BIT.
Basic primitives were created for the cells FDC, FDCE, FDP, MUXF5, IBUF and OBUF in Electric.
LUT2, LUT3 and LUT4 are lookup tables which are configured by a generic statement. For LUT2 all 16 variations X"1"..X"F" were created.
Everything was stored in a library for place and route sclib.jelib

LUT3 and LUT4

For LUT3 and LUT4 a number of LUT2 cells can be multiplexed:
entity LUT4_0DF0 is port( I0,I1,I2,I3: in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC);
end LUT4_0DF0;
architecture LUT4_0DF0_BODY of LUT4_0DF0 is
component LUT20 port ( I0,I1 : in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC); end component;
component LUT2D port ( I0,I1 : in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC); end component;
component LUT2F port ( I0,I1 : in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC); end component;
component MUX4 port(I0,I1,I2,I3,I4,I5 : in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC); end component;
signal y1,y2,y3,y4,O2 : STD_LOGIC ;
LUT2_1: LUT20 port map (I0,I1,Y1);
LUT2_2: LUT2F port map (I0,I1,Y2);
LUT2_3: LUT2D port map (I0,I1,Y3);
LUT2_4: LUT20 port map (I0,I1,Y4);
MUX0: MUX4 port map (Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,I2,I3,O);
end LUT4_0DF0_BODY;
The program AnalyzeJS takes care of this.
The generic statement for the truth table is incorporated into the cell name: '6A' and 2 LUT2s with a multiplexer are used.
entity LUT3_6A is port( I0,I1, I2: in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC);
end LUT3_6A;
architecture LUT3_6A_BODY of LUT3_6A is
component LUT26 port ( I0,I1 : in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC); end component;
component LUT2A port ( I0,I1 : in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC); end component;
component MUX2 port (I0,I1,I3: in STD_LOGIC;O: out STD_LOGIC); end component;
signal y1,y2,O2 : STD_LOGIC ;
LUT2_1: LUT2A port map (I0,I1,Y1);
LUT2_2: LUT26 port map (I0,I1,Y2);
MUX0: MUX2 port map (Y1,Y2,I2,O);
end LUT3_6A_BODY;


Start Electric
Load new sclib.jelib with primitives.
Create new uart library.
Create new uart vhdl cell and insert text.

select: the {vhdl} cell
Tools: Silicon Compiler. Convert current cells to layout
For Errors refer to the handout section.

Options can be set in the Preferences menue, Tools, Silicon compiler:
Number of rows of cells: 1..n
Routing feed through size: 12
Routing min. active distance: -9 Cells are placed just to each other
Error message:
Reading netlist in cell 'uart_sim{net.quisc}'
ERROR line 27: Cannot find port 'I0' on instance 'LUT2_2'
Line: connect LUT2_2 I0 LUT2_1 I0
Error compiling netlist
Solution: LUT2_2 was a LUT2E. There was a LUT2E{doc.waveform} in this library

Error message:
Generating layout
SC Maker cannot find Horizontal Arc Metal-1 in technology artwork
Solution: Go to a layout cell and select metal 2 line. Try again.
Error message:
SEVERE ERROR - Cyclic conflict to same row, check leaf cells.

Routing feed through size has to be changed.
Change the number of rows. 1 row is always ok.
1,2, 5, 6, 10 rows ok. 3,4 rows bad

Synthesis Results

uart_test: took 1 min 52 sec, area: 77992 x 2351; 1 row
uart_test: took 2 min 4 sec, area: 26880 x 5913; 4 rows
uart_test: took 2 min 15 sec; area: 19456 x 6959; 6 rows
uart_test: took 2 min 49 sec; area: 13650 x 10979 ; 10 rows
uart_test: took 2 min 2 sec; area: 77992 x 2351 ; 1 row conditions changed
A square area is always preferred.

Silicon compiler routing rules:
Default (Best):
Via size: 4, minimum metal spacing 6(3), Routing feed through 16(-32), Routing min port distance 8(8/4), Routing min active distance: 8(-9)

Synthesis Results Layout

Area: 14554 x 7938; 10 rows; Design rules: 4, 3, 32, 8, -9 Tools: DRC: Check Hierarchically: cells ok uart_test takes a long time.

Verification with VHDL Simulation of UART

VHDL test file: sim_uart.vhd
Inputs are: clk, reset,rx, tx, btn__0, btn__1, btn__2
Outputs are: an__0..3; sseg__0..7, led__0..7
clk has to be 50MHz.
reset is '1' for a short time and is then '0'.
btn__1 needs to be 1 for one clock cycle after data was received.
A seriell input with 19200 baud rate at rx is send with an increment of 1 to tx.
A baud rate of 19200 has 52 us bit duration 0,d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,1.
Simulation time should be 1 ms.

Verification with LTSPICE Simulation of UART

Started LTSPICE 19:58
DC Operation point Newton Raphson Iteration 10 21:28; Iteration 50 06:07
Steppping Gmin 20% 7:39
Implement initial condition for all flip flops:
.ic v(C00)=0 v(C01)=0
No improvement in LTSPICE simulation startup.
2 Days simulation time got no DC operating point.

Conclusion and Outlook

