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Open Access Microelectronics Course
Jörg Vollrath
University of Applied Science
Kempten, Germany
This paper presents the concepts used for a master class Microelectronics.
The course contents are presented as web pages on the internet also for mobile devices.
JavaScript enables a Powerpoint like presentation mode, animations, questionnaires and
rendering of LTSPICE schematic files on a web page.
Only no cost minimum administration tools LTSPICE, "Electric" and ISE Webpack are used
for a laboratory to provide open access and enable a chip design.
The status of development is shown with an example of a manufacturing process animation,
a scan cell design and a synthesis of a UART.
Keywords-micro electronics, circuit simulation, open access, SPICE, elearning, JavaScript, HTML
I. Introduction
Microelectronics is an important topic in electronics
engineering. Electronic circuits are evolving using newly
available integrated microelectronic circuits. Microelectronics
classes are normally provided by universities close to
integrated circuit and semiconductor manufacturing industry.
Nevertheless many concepts and strategies from
microelectronics should be transferred to electrical and
electronics engineering. Microelectronics implemented a
roadmap strategy to set goals for ever decreasing feature size
and higher integration. Integrated circuit product development
worked on the principle of providing first any solution and then
working on improvements. Simulation and verification of
circuits are implemented and are beneficial for the
development process of new circuits. Software automation, big
data analysis and automated manufacturing like industry 4.0
are employed since the start of microelectronics and are very
important to guarantee quality and improve a process.
Therefore microelectronics with 90 minutes lecture and 90
minutes laboratory over 14 weeks at the University of Applied
Science Kempten is part of the master program 'Electrical
Kempten is located in the south of Germany close to the
Stuttgart and Munich area. Bosch, Infineon and Dialog
semiconductor are semiconductor companies located nearby.
There are also a lot of electronic design automation (EDA) and
distribution companies present in the Munich area. The master
course is an international course held in English with 15 to 35
students each year. There is only limited funding and
manpower available to support this lecture. Therefore an open
access no cost approach was used to realize a laboratory and
the lecture.
An open access approach for the lecture was used to make it as
easy as possible to distribute lecture material and keep it up to
date. Presenting all material on a web page makes it accessible
from stationary and mobile devices at all times and can be
easily found by search engines. The HTML code for the
content can be directly updated without having to produce
extra pdf files and put them into a content management system
like Moodle or on a special file server. HTML and JavaScript
also provide means to enrich the pages with equations
(MathJS[8]), charts, animations, drawings, pictures, videos and
simulations. Examples of features of web pages will be shown
first. Emphasized is rendering original LTSPICE schematics on
a web page in the next chapter.
Practical examples of a design of a scan cell and a
synthesis of a UART with no cost tools are presented next.
Challenges for students during laboratory are discussed.
Creation of new standard cells and a design flow from VHDL
to layout were necessary. The resulting layouts are shown.
Finally a summary and outlook will be provided.
The class is structured based on the classic books CMOS
VLSI Design, Weste, Harris [1], CMOS Circuit Design,
Layout, and Simulation, Baker[2] and CMOS Analog Circuit
Design, Holberg[3]. It uses a bottom up approach going from
transistor to system on a chip. It has emphasis on automation,
simulation, test and verification. Details can be found at the
course web page [5].
"Electric" [7] as a design and layout tool was chosen
instead of a commercial available system due to no cost and
low maintenance. "Electric" is written in Java and can be
installed with a local copy of Java. So there is a installation
available, which can be copied between systems without
having to hassle with the version of java, "Electric" and
installation procedures. There is also no license needed making
the use in an university environment easy. It is very
convenient, where each semester a large group of new students
starts to use this tool. Since it is of no cost students can install it
on their hardware and use it at home. "Electric" has all basic
tools for design and layout except a behavioral VHDL
synthesis option. There are design rule checks, layout versus
schematic, simulation options and a place and route tool. For
simulation LTSPICE can be used. This work shows a way to
enable behavioral VHDL synthesis.
LTSPICE is a free SPICE simulator and is used in other
lectures at the university. There is no circuit size limited
implemented. The size is only limited by the available
hardware and simulation time. Documentation options for
schematics in LTSPICE are very limited. LTSPICE files are
saved with cryptic names. It is very difficult to find a circuit
understand the working principle and redo simulations.
Therefore it was decided to implement a LTSPICE schematic
drawing tool for web pages to improve documentation
capabilities and ease of use. A web page can be created
displaying all LTSPICE schematics from a directory with
filename, comments and annotation.
Enabling synthesis is very important for microelectronics.
"Electric" has already a built in silicon compiler taking VHDL
code and creating a layout. The VHDL code has to be a
structural description without vectors and with the type bit
instead of STD_LOGIC. Xilinx Webpack can transform
behavioral VHDL into structural VHDL for the used FPGAs.
Since this tool was used in a class of digital electronics, it was
found out, that it can be used for synthesis of a layout, if the
primitives of the FPGA would be present as layout circuits.
Therefore a tool was created to transfer structural Spartan 3
FPGA VHDL code to "Electric" compatible code and a library
with FPGA primitives was created by the students. A glue
script was still needed to change the coding a little bit. To make
it easily accessible and maintainable it was written in
JavaScript and made publicly available on the internet.
Laboratory starts with MOSFET performance simulation
and standard cell layout. Then a CMOS inverter is investigated.
These laboratories are guided laboratories with step by step
instructions and cover 4 sessions. After that an open laboratory
is done covering the rest of the semester with only open
instructions. This has the benefit to be able to work on some
research topics or create new circuit libraries and tools. In
former laboratories a rotary encoder circuit, a scan cell, a
pipeline ADC circuit and a GNOME microprocessor were
All steps as used for a chip design were done by the
students during the laboratory in a very limited time frame. At
the end the students provided a pdf report about their results.
This report is matching a typical engineers report in industry
and was used for grading.

Fig. 1. Microelectronics start web page
This work presents an example of open access web pages used
for presentation during a lecture and at the same time as script
for students. The starting page is shown in figure 1.The QR
code enables the students to directly go to the web page using
their mobile devices.
There are many examples of course material on the internet
as pdf files or HTML text files [1,2,3]. It is very difficult to
combine and rearrange this material for a target audience and
use it in a class environment. Here a simple JavaScript slide
show system S5 [4] was extended for use in electronics
engineering class. This systems allows switching a web page
from normal outline display mode to a Powerpoint like slide
mode. Using native HTML and JavaScript makes the access
much faster and provides more features then pdf or
Powerpoint. In this context embedded real data can be
processed to charts, mathematic equations are listed in LATEX
style providing easy copy and paste, animations can be done
and interactive web based student response systems can be
used. The students can view the material on their mobile phone
or laptop during the lecture. Buttons are used to show and hide
solutions of given tasks. It is even possible to provide data
processing tools like demonstrated in this paper to convert
VHDL code from one tool to another input format for the next
tool. All files can be copied to a local drive and operated
without internet since the JavaScript is executed on the client

Fig. 2. Animation of a CMOS manufacturing process on a web page
Figure 2 shows the picture of a CMOS semiconductor
manufacturing process animation in a slide view mode of the
HTML file. The figure shows the final top view and cross
section of an inverter. The buttons allow to step through the
manufacturing steps. The process starts with active area,
followed by well creation, polysilicon gate deposition, source
drain formation and finally contact and metallization.
Alignment marks are presented on the left and right to discuss
problems during pattern transfer. Using JavaScript for
animation makes the drawing a little bit more difficult, while
providing many options for customization. It is much easier to
scale the animation. In a MOSFET transistor animation mobile
carrier concentration in the silicon was connected to transfer
and output IV curves. This gives the student more insight into
the device mechanics.
Schematics in LTSPICE are saved in ASCII files using
simple primitives like WIRE, SYMBOL, ATTRIBUTE and
TEXT. There are also sub circuits used residing in separate
files for the circuit and the symbol. JavaScript provides with
jquery.js a simple method to load files and a canvas object to
render graphics. In the HTML file first the LTSPICE
JavaScript module is loaded. For the actual circuit a canvas is
used, a control to set drawing options and some sections for the
LTSPICE code are defined. The canvas can be arbitrarily sized
to display the schematic properly. Below is typical HTML code
for a LTSPICE schematic and figure 3 shows the resulting
<canvas id="Scan_cell_small_CE" width="300"
height="250" level="0" class="LTSPICE"
sym="NAND2,TG,INVx,AND2,OR2"> </canvas>

Fig. 3. Scan cell schematic on a web page
The class LTSPICE marks this element for processing. The id
is the name of the LTSPICE file in a subfolder LTSPICE and
sym is a comma separated list of used symbols. Parameters
'width' and 'height' define the size of the drawing. The extra
parameter 'level' defines how much detail is shown in the
schematic. LTSPICE text, labels and component names can be
hidden using a different level of display. A link is provided for
the schematic Scan_cell_small_CE.asc file and the sub circuit
files. This makes it easy to download the schematic. For
additional files needed for simulation links can also be
provided. HTML and JavaScript allows to provide buttons to
hide or show this information giving different views.
Formatted text can be added on the web page to explain and
document the circuit. This allows providing all information
while still having a nice dense page layout.
Since this tool is still in development improvements in the
user interface are ongoing. It is very easy to copy the webpage
to a local drive and modify it. The web page works on the local
drive, since JavaScript is executed at the client side.
Modifications of the LTSPICE file will be directly displayed at
the web page.
More examples using open access web pages can be found
on the university web page for the lectures Elektronik 3,
Digitaltechnik and Interface Electronics [5].
Test is one of the important concepts to be able to
guarantee functionality of an integrated circuit. Scan cells are
modified D-flip-flops with a test enable input and test data in
and test data out pins. Unfortunately it is difficult to find a
layout of a scan cell. Therefore in summer 2015 the open
laboratory dealt with the synthesis of a dynamic scan cell.
Starting point was the muddlib library containing flip-flops
and logic gates, but no scan cell.
It was interesting to observe the students extending the D-
flip-flop to a scan cell. Some students did the design by hand
adding additional cells to the provided library primitives and
routing by hand.
The other group of students used the silicon compiler to
transfer the schematic into layout. Then they shifted the metal
2 connection into the cells by hand. Since there were more
connections than space available, some modifications of the
base cells were needed to make room for the wiring. Overall
the automated approach was faster and made it possible to
explore more options than hand routed designs. The
automatically routed scan cell was larger than handcrafted
cells. A result of an automatic wired cell is displayed in figure
4. It can be seen how M1 horizontal lines were shifted into the
cell. Strict rules running M1 horizontal, M2 vertical and using
minimum sized transistors enabled successfull design. This is
one strategy to reduce complexitiy. Between some cells gaps
can be seen due to some overestimation of cell size from place
and rout tool.

Fig. 4. Synthesized scan cell layout with modified routing
The students compared their results reflecting on
similarities and differences.
In summer 2016 the laboratory dealt with the synthesis of
a UART. During the laboratory a library of all base cells for
synthesis was created by the students. With the library a given
VHDL code for a UART was used for synthesis. Since there is
no built in tool in "Electric" to do this a new work flow was
created (figure 5). Xilinx Webpack was used to map a
behavioral VHDL to a structural VHDL description using a
limited number of Spartan 3 FPGA primitives. The primitives
were flip-flops, multiplexers and 4 input lookup tables (LUT).
Flip-flops and multiplexers were available in the "Electric"
layout library muddlib. 4 input lookup tables had to be mapped
to layout. Instead of creating all 256 possible cells. All 16
possible logic functions for a 2 input logic circuit were created.
A 4 input LUT was substituted in VHDL with four 2 input
LUTs and a multiplexer. The students had then the task in the
laboratory to create these 16 layouts and verify functionality.

Fig. 5. Synthesis work flow
"Electric" works only with a structural VHDL description
without STD_LOGIC_VECTOR and only with the type BIT.
Therefore some script code had to be implemented to translate
the Xilinx Webpack VHDL file to an "Electric" compatible
format. To make this tool easily accessible it was decided to
implement it as a web page and use JavaScript for translation.
The web page AnalyzeJS.html [9] has an input field where the
original VHDL code is pasted. With a button the VHDL is then
converted to the desired "Electric" format. Since this is a web
page an example VHDL code was embedded into the page to
check correct functionality. Additional documentation can also
be included in the webpage. Interactive buttons can show and
hide this documentation. This web page is on the internet, so
everybody can use it, copy it and modify it. This realizes open

Fig. 6. UART synthesized layout
The code was successfully transferred to "Electric" and a
resulting layout can be seen in figure 6. Since only 2 metal
layers are available for routing more area is used for wires than
for transistors. The synthesis took between 2 and 3 minutes.
Options allowed to set the number of standard cell rows.
Different settings could be explored to get a square chip and
study the effect on the total area.
It was planned to use a LTSPICE simulation to verify
operation. Unfortunately the circuit was too big for LTSPICE
to find an operation point. Due to lack of time no switch level
simulation using IRSIM was done.
Open access classes are successfully used at the University
of Applied Science Kempten. This paper presents the
JavaScript tools and internet web pages for a microelectronics
class. This concept makes it much easier for the student to
replicate simulations and study microelectronic learning
material. For the professor it is easier to maintain and update
documentation and results. JavaScript and HTML in this
context can provide more tools and functionality than
traditional learning material giving a better user experience and
a more effective learning environment. This was demonstrated
with the VHDL processing tool AnalyzeJS and the process
animation example. Web pages with schematics make it
possible to document circuits and results completely.
In this environment it was possible to do a layout synthesis
of a UART at no cost and with minimum man power. The web
pages provide detailed instructions. No cost tools ("Electric",
LTSPICE, Xilinx Webpack) could be combined with some
JavaScript code and a small cell library to get this result. Final
verification of the resulting circuit with simulations using
IRSIM has still to be done. Changing all library cells to use
unit sized transistors is also an ongoing activity.
In the future it is planned to improve the LTSPICE display
and implement the functionality to display layouts from
"Electric" directly in a web page. Having basic JavaScript
routines for layout makes it possible to improve cell layout,
routing for more than 2 metal layers and routing in a chip
frame. Finally a chip has to be manufactured using these tools.
[1] Neil Weste, David Harris, CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson,
[2] R. Jacob Baker, CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, Wiley,
[3] P. E. Allen, D.R. Holberg, CMOS Analog IC Design,
[4] S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System,
[5] J. Vollrath,
University person page
[6] J. Vollrath, Microelectronics,
[7] Electric,
[8] MathJS,
[9] J. Vollrath, AnalyzeJS,
Dr. Ing. Joerg E. Vollrath received 1989 his
Dipl. Ing. and 1994 his Ph. D. in electrical engineering, semiconductor technology at the
University of Darmstadt, Germany. Since
then he worked for the memory division of
Siemens and Infineon Technologies and
Qimonda in various locations in the USA and
Germany. He is now a Professor for Electronics at the University of Applied Science,
Kempten, Germany. His expertise and interest
lies in the field of design of analog and digital
circuits, programmable logic, test, characterization, yield, manufacturing and reliability.
He has published 30 papers and has currently 32 patents.