Hochschule Kempten      
Fakultät Elektrotechnik      
Interface Electronics       Fachgebiet Elektronik, Prof. Vollrath      

Interface Electronics

05 DAC Architectures

Prof. Dr. Jörg Vollrath

04 Spectral Test

Video Lecture: DAC architectures

Länge: 01:06:27
0:00:00 Laboratory specify your .raw file directory

0:03:29 Internet copyright form

0:04:18 Laboratory 3 start

0:07:28 DAC Architecture

0:08:02 DAC Performance

0:10:51 DAC Speed voltage difference requirements

0:16:36 RC Low pass thermal noise and LSB

0:20:15 Minimum C requirement C > 12 k T 22B/VFS2

0:21:26 Maximum speed R requirement

0:23:13 RC Low pass thermal noise capacitance requirement

0:25:26 Capacitance and white noise

0:26:45 3 bit R string or ladder DAC

0:29:50 Code 011 output voltage

0:32:38 Trnasfer curve calculation

0:33:32 Speed, power, numbe rof bits, complexity

0:36:13 Power

0:39:00 Interpolating R-string DAC

0:45:39 R2R DAC

0:48:21 Equivalent voltage source

0:50:36 2nd stage D1

0:55:10 DAC in Webreport for laboratory 2


Review and Overview


Go from one voltage level to another between certain sampling times.
At the moment we assume an ideal sample and hold circuit. Real sample and hold circuits are presented later.

A simple RC charging circuit is our model.

Performance parameters are:

DAC speed: voltage difference requirement

A capacitor has to be charged to the 1/2 LSB range of the input voltage:
\( | V_e - V_a | < 0.5 LSB \)
The voltage on the capacitor is:
\( V_a = V_e \cdot \left( 1 - e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} \right) \) with \( \tau = RC \)
Maximum difference could be full scale \( V_e = 2^{B} \cdot LSB \) with B number of bits:
\( 2^{B} \cdot LSB \cdot e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} < 0.5 LSB \)
\( -\frac{t}{\tau} < \left( -B-1 \right) ln \left( 2 \right) \)
\( t > R C \left( B+1 \right) ln \left( 2 \right) \)
Measurement: Time when half level is reached: t1
Settling time: (B+1)*t1

A capacitor has to be charged to the 1/2 LSB range of the input voltage:
\( | V_e - V_a | < 0.5 LSB \)
The voltage on the capacitor is:
\( V_a = V_e \cdot \left( 1 - exp^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} \right) \) with \( \tau = RC \)
This gives:
\( V_e - V_e \cdot \left( 1 - exp^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} \right) < 0.5 LSB \)       \( V_e \cdot e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} < 0.5 LSB \)
Maximum difference could be full scale \( V_e = 2^{B} \cdot LSB \) with B number of bits:
\( 2^{B} \cdot LSB \cdot exp^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} < 0.5 LSB \)   \( exp^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} < 2^{-B-1} \)
\( -\frac{t}{\tau} < ln \left( 2^{-B-1} \right) \)   \( -\frac{t}{\tau} < \left( -B-1 \right) ln \left( 2 \right) \)

\( t > R C \left( B+1 \right) ln \left( 2 \right) \)

Time when half level is reached: t1
Settling time: (B+1)*t1

RC low pass thermal noise

A resistor has a noise voltage:
\( \frac{V_{rms}^2}{\Delta f} = 4 k_B \cdot T \cdot R \)
A low pass RC network limits the noise to:
\( \overline{v_n^2} = \frac{k_B T}{C} \)
This noise has to be lower than the quantization noise:
\( \overline{v_q^2} = \frac{\Delta^2}{12} = \frac{V_{FS}^2}{2^{2B} \cdot 12}\)
\( \frac{k_B T}{C} \lt \frac{V_{FS}^2}{2^{2B} \cdot 12}\)
\( \frac{C}{k_B T} \gt \frac{2^{2B} \cdot 12}{V_{FS}^2} \)
Wikipedia: Thermal noise, Johnson, Nyquist noise
Elektronik 3: 24 Rauschen

RC low pass thermal noise capacitance requirement

\( C \gt 12 \cdot k_B \cdot T \frac{2^{2 B}}{V_{FS}^{2}} \)
kB: Boltzmann constant
T: absolute temperature in Kelvin
B: number of Bits
VFS: Full scale voltage
B Cmin(VFS=3.3V) Cmin(VFS=1V)
8 0.3 fF 0.003 pF
12 80 fF 0.8 pF
16 20.6 pF 206 pF
20 5.28 nF 52.8 nF
24 1.32 uF 13.2 uF
Table: Required C as function of ADC resolution and full scale voltage
\( \sqrt{\frac{k_B T}{C}} = \sqrt{\frac{V_{FS}^2}{2^{2B} \cdot 12}}\)
C \( \sqrt{\frac{k_B T}{C}} \)
1fF 2mV
10fF 640 µV
100fF 200µV
1pF 64µV
10pF 20µV
100pF 6.4µV
1nF 2µV
Adding 4 bits required an increase in capacitance by a factor of 256.
Decreasing the voltage by a factor of 3.3 increases the capacitance with a factor of 10.

3 Bit R string or ladder DAC

A R ladder divides VREF voltage into all possible voltage levels.
Inherent monotonic

Input Code [d2 d1 d0] = 011
LSB = Vref/8
Vout = LSB * (0*4 + 1*2 + 1) = 3/8 Vref
At each resistance there is a LSB voltage difference.
D0b is the inverted signal of D0.
At certain code all "1" signals close the associated switches.
A voltage is transfered to Vout.
The shown circuit can be saved and simulated in LTSPICE giving a ramp test.

3 Bit R string or ladder DAC


Time constant:
Ideal voltage source at a series RC low pass.
R = (3 R || 5 R) = 15/8 R
Maximum resistance for half VDD, code 100...


\( P_{RS} = \frac{V_{ref}^2}{R \cdot 2^{B}} \)

Number of bits

Resistance range:
1 Ω .. 1 MΩ
20 bits.
Resistance for MOSFET switches and contacts.


2B resistors and 2 * 2B switches are a high element count
τ = 0.25 · 2B R C
There are 2B of unit resistors.
The highest resistance is at midpoint. Half resistance will be connected to VDD and half to ground.
For equivalent resistance these resistances are in parallel.

Practical example

M. Pelgrom, “A 10-b 50-MHz CMOS D/A Converter with 75-W Buffer,” JSSC, Dec. 1990, pp. 1347

1 V pp output into 75 Ω, 25 pF load
1.6 µm CMOS, 5 V; 65mW (50 MHz, 1Vpp); 1024 resistors 6..10 Ω
16 large resistors 250 Ω parallel to 32 75 Ω polysilison resistors with switches each;
Power: driver transistor 7.3 mA, driver circuit 4 mA; ladder current 1mA, digital 0.7 mA: total 13mA.
Rise fall time 6ns; 19 Mhz signal bandwidth; 50 MHz sample frequency; 2.5 mm2 die size
DNL; INL < 0.35; 5MHz Signal -53 dB to total harmonic distortion

Resolution: 8, 14, 20 bit
Frequency: 10 kHz, 1 MHz, 100 MHz
VDD = VREF = 1V (Integrated Circuits)
Cload = 10 pF (oscilloscope)

4 Bit interpolating R string, ladder DAC

Extra logic is needed to generate the control signals from the binary input code.
2 switches are always active on the left side for the 2 high order bits providing an upper and lower voltage for interpolation.
The simulation shows the control signals for the upper bits, the intermediate voltages VA and VB and the resulting output voltage Vout.



D3D3bD23D2bD2 D1D1bD01D0D0B VA/VVB/V
0000 00011 10001 01

3 Bit binary charge scaling DAC

Each capacitor is binary weighted.

\( V_{max} = V_{ref} \)

Using equivalent current sources:

\( \underline{I}_{Di} = \underline{V}_{ref} \cdot j ω C_{i} \)

\( V(D2D1D0)= V_{ref} \frac{D2 \cdot C_{2} + D1 \cdot C_{1} + D0 \cdot C_{0} }{C_{Total}} \)

\( C_{Total} = \sum_{i=0}^N C_{i} \)

This configuration can not generate any DC content.
Therefore reset switches are needed after each cycle.
Alternatively a code of all 0 can be applied between data output.
This causes additional power consumption.

4 Bit binary split array charge DAC

The range of C can be limited using a coupling capacitor C4.


Only R and 2R values are needed.

Calculation of output voltage with equivalent sources:
R is 1 kΩ.
All data inputs can be looked at as voltage sources VD0...VD3.
The voltages internally for equivalent sources are V0L..V2L, VoutL.
\( V_{0L} = V_{D0} \frac{2 R}{4 R} = V_{D0} \frac{1}{2} \)
\( R_{i0} = 2 R || 2R = \frac{2 R 2 R}{2 R + 2 R} = R \)
\( V_{1L} = (V_{0L} - V_{D1}) \frac{2 R}{4 R} + V_{D1} = V_{0L} \frac{1}{2} + V_{D1} \frac{1}{2} = V_{D0} \frac{1}{4} + V_{D1} \frac{1}{2}\)
\( R_{i1} = 2 R || 2R = \frac{2 R 2 R}{2 R + 2 R} = R \)

\( V_{nL} = (V_{(n-1)L} - V_{Dn}) \frac{2 R}{4 R} + V_{Dn} = V_{(n-1)L} \frac{1}{2} + V_{Dn} \frac{1}{2} = \sum_{i=0}^{n} \frac{V_{Di}}{2^{n-i+1}} \)
Capacitors can be used instead of the resistance R giving a C2C DAC.

Practical considerations

Variations of components:
R, C, V
offset of operational amplifier

What is allowed to have less than 1/2 LSB INL and DNL?


06 DAC Error


C. Lin and K. Buit, " A 10-b, 500- MSample/s CMOS DAC in 0.6mm2", JSSC, vol. 33, pp.1948-1958,1998

Untrimmed segmented
T. Miki et al, “An 80-MHz 8-bit CMOS D/A Converter,” JSSC December 1986, pp. 983
A. Van den Bosch et al, “A 1-GSample/s Nyquist Current-Steering CMOS D/A Converter,” JSSC March 2001, pp. 315 Savoj, J, A 12-GS/s Phase-Calibrated CMOS Digital-to-Analog Converter for Backplane Communications , JSSC, 2008, pp. 1207 - 1216

Current copiers:
D. W. J. Groeneveld et al, “A Self-Calibration Technique for Monolithic High-Resolution D/A Converters,” JSSC December 1989, pp. 1517

Dynamic element matching:
R. J. van de Plassche, “Dynamic Element Matching for High-Accuracy Monolithic D/A Converters,” JSSC December 1976, pp. 795