Hochschule Kempten      
Fakultät Elektrotechnik      
Interface Electronics       Fachgebiet Elektronik, Prof. Vollrath      

Interface Electronics

12 Sigma Delta Oversampling ADC

Prof. Dr. Jörg Vollrath

11 Pipeline ADC

Video Lecture: Oversampling Sigma Delta ADC

0:0:0 Oversampling ADC

0:4:36 Sigma Delta ADC Architecture

0:12:38 First order passive Sigma Delta Modulator

0:16:51 Internal voltage calculation

0:17:10 0

0:17:10 Example Sigma Delta

0:19:46 Transfer function

0:22:10 f3dB = 15.9 kHz

0:25:46 Output data sequence

0:29:16 dt/R/C = 0.05

0:33:6 Time sequence of voltages

0:36:6 High level simulator (webpage)

0:42:12 LTSPICE simulation sine

0:48:4 General signal and noise transfer function

0:51:14 Noise Shaping

0:52:48 Digital filter and decimator

0:56:16 Example simulation ramp

1:0:46 Example simulation sine

1:5:46 Discussion understanding and simulation

1:9:21 Increasing Signal to noise with oversampling

Review and Overview



Nyquist ADC


fCLK = OSR · 2 · fbw

Clock frequency is much higher than bandwidth.

Pulse count Modulation (PCM)

Predictive Coding

Quantize difference of the signal

Sigma delta converter

Sigma Delta ADC Architectures

  • 1st order passive Sigma Delta Converters
  • 2nd order active Sigma Delta Converters
  • Higher order active Sigma Delta Converters
  • Mashed Sigma Delta Converters

  • Signal to noise ratio
  • Transfer function and stability
  • Voltage range preventing saturation

  • Digital signal processing: filter, decimation


How to build a sigma delta ADC?


First order passive Sigma Delta Modulator

Internal voltage levels:

The voltage V(INT n+1) at clock cycle n+1 is:

\( V_{int n+1} = V_{int n} + \frac{\delta t}{C} \left( \frac{ V_{not(Dout)} - V_{int n}}{R} + \frac{V_{in} - V_{int n}}{R} \right) \)
\( V_{int n+1} = V_{int n} + \frac{\delta t}{C \cdot R} \left( V_{not(Dout)} + V_{in} - 2 \cdot V_{int n} \right) \)

\( \delta t \) is the period of the clock.
\( V_{Dout} \) in a real logic circuit is 0V or VDD.

These equations are used for a high level simulation.
High level simulation: 1st order sigma delta simulation

Since Vint has to stay between 0V and VDD:
\( \frac{\delta t}{C \cdot R} 2 V_{DD} \lt V_{DD} \)
\( C \cdot R \gt \frac{2}{f_{sample} } \)
\( \frac{1}{C \cdot R} \lt \frac{f_{sample} }{2} \)
The bandwidth limit of RC has to be smaller than fsample/2.
The bandwidth limit of RC has to be greater than the interested bandwith. fsample/2/OSR
\( 2 \pi f_{bw} \lt \frac{1}{C \cdot R} \lt \frac{f_{sample} }{2} \)
On the left the difference of V(in) and V(D) is integrated and then compared with V(CMP). The comparator operates with the clock frequency and gives for each clock cycle a new value.
A simple passive first order sigma delta converter uses resistors and capacitances.
This circuit is according to Baker, "CMOS integrated cicuits", Figure 6.4

Example: First order passive Sigma Delta Modulator

The circuit with R = 1 kΩ, C= 20 nF is operated with VDD = 1 V, VCMP = 0.5 V and fS = 1 MHz.
What is the maximum allowed input voltage?
What is the cut-off frequency of the RC input low pass?
Calculate vout(t) for 4µs if vin=0.3V. The starting value for vint=VCM and vout=0V. Assume a constant current through R for a sampling cycle.
t [µs] 0 1     2      3     4     
vin 0.3V
vint 0.5V
vout 0V

1st order passive Sigma Delta high level simulation

High level simulation: 1st order sigma delta simulation

General signal and noise transfer function

A first order sigma delta analog digital converter.

\( V_{out}(f) = V_{in}(f) \frac{A(f)}{1 + B(f) A(f)} + E(f) \frac{1}{1 + B(f) A(f)} \)

\( V_{out}(f) = V_{in}(f) \frac{1}{B(f) + \frac{1}{A(f)}} + E(f) \frac{1}{1 + B(f) A(f)} \)

There is a signal transfer function and a noise transfer function.

\( V_{out}(f) = \left( V_{in}(f) - B(f) V_{out}(f) \right) A(f) + E(f) \)
\( V_{out}(f) = V_{in}(f) A(f) - B(f) V_{out}(f) A(f) + E(f) \)
\( V_{out}(f) \left( 1 + B(f) A(f) \right) = V_{in}(f) A(f) + E(f) \)
\( V_{out}(f) = V_{in}(f) \frac{A(f)}{1 + B(f) A(f)} + E(f) \frac{1}{1 + B(f) A(f)} \)
Signal transfer function (STF):
\( STF(f) = \frac{A(f)}{1 + B(f) A(f)} \)
Noise transfer function (NTF):
\( NTF(f) = \frac{1}{1 + B(f) A(f)} \)

First order passive Sigma Delta Modulator signal and noise transfer function

\( \frac{v_{in} - v_{int}}{R} + \frac{-v_{out} - v_{int}}{R} = i_{int} \)
\( v_{in} - v_{int} - v_{out} - v_{int} = i_{int} R \)
\( v_{in} - v_{out} - 2 \cdot v_{int} = i_{int} R \)
\( v_{in} - v_{out} = i_{int} R + 2 \cdot v_{int}\)
\( i_{int} = v_{int} j \omega C \)
\( v_{int} = \frac{v_{in}-v_{out}}{j \omega C R + 2} \)
vint = A(f) · (vin - B(f) vout)
\( B(f) = 1 \)      \( A(f) = \frac{1}{j \omega C R + 2} \)
\( V_{out}(f) = \frac{V_{in}}{C R} \frac{1}{j \omega + \frac{3}{R C}} + E(f) \frac{j \omega + \frac{2}{R C}}{j \omega + \frac{3}{R C}} \)
Comparing the equation for the internal voltage vint with the general signal and noise transfer function gives:
\( V_{int}(f) = A(f) \cdot ( V_{in} - V_{out} \cdot B(f) ) \)
\( B(f) = 1 \)
\( A(f) = \frac{1}{j \omega C R + 2} \)
\( V_{out}(f) = V_{in} \frac{1}{j \omega C R + 3} + E(f) \frac{j \omega C R + 2}{j \omega C R + 3} \)
\( V_{out}(f) = \frac{V_{in}}{C R} \frac{1}{j \omega + \frac{3}{R C}} + E(f) \frac{j \omega + \frac{2}{R C}}{j \omega + \frac{3}{R C}} \)

Noise shaping

Signal pole: ω=3/(RC)
Noise zero: ω=2/(RC)
Noise pole: ω=3/(RC)

Position fclk
Position fbw = 3/(2 π R C)

Noise is digitally filtered.
\( \epsilon_q = \frac{LSB}{\sqrt{12}} \)
\( - 20 log \sqrt{12} = -10.8 dB \)

Digital filter and decimator

SINC Filter
Filter order:

The order of the filter has to be one more than the sigma delta modulator to realize the full signal to noise benefit.

A decimating Sinc2 filter has the following schematic with 2 integrators and 2 differentiators:

How to physically realize the filter?
Width of the registers?

Calculating Signal to noise ratio

\( V_{noise,RMS}^{2} = 2 \int_0^{BW}{|NTF(f)|^2|V_{Qe}(f)|^2} df \)
Quantization noise spectral density divides the quantization error with sampling frequency:
\( |V_{Qe}(f)|^2 = \frac{V_{LSB}^{2}}{12 f_{sample}} \)
Transfer function:
\( V_{out}(f) = STF(f) v_{in} + NTF(f) V_{Qe}\)
First order passive modulator :
\( V_{out}(f) = \frac{V_{in}}{C R} \frac{1}{j \omega + \frac{3}{R C}} + \frac{E(f)}{R C} \frac{j \omega R C + 2}{j \omega + \frac{3}{R C}} \)
Since signal transfer function and noise transfer function have the part:
\( STF(f) = \frac{1}{j \omega + \frac{3}{RC}} \)
This cancels out for signal to noise ratio.

Calculating Signal to noise ratio (continued)

\( V_{noise,RMS}^{2} = 2 \frac{V_{LSB}^{2}}{12 f_{sample}} \int_0^{BW}{(2 \pi f R C + 2)^2} df \)
\( V_{noise,RMS}^{2} = 2 \frac{V_{LSB}^{2}}{12 f_{sample}} \left( {(2 \pi R C )^2} \frac{BW^3}{3} + 4 \pi R C \frac{BW^2}{2} + 4 BW \right) \)
Sinc-shaped lowpass filter:
\( BW = \frac{f_{sample}}{2 OSR} \)

First part only: \( V_{noise,RMS}^{2} = \frac{V_{LSB}^{2}}{12 } {(2 \pi R C)^2} \frac{f_{sample}^2}{12 OSR^{3}} \)

\( SNR = 20 log\frac{V_{signal,rms}}{V_{noise, rms}} \)
\( SNR = 6.02 N + 1.76 - 20 log \frac{(2 \pi R C) f_{sample}}{\sqrt{12}} + 20 log OSR^{\frac{3}{2}} \)

\( SNR = 6.02 N + 1.76 - 20 log \frac{(2 \pi R C) f_{sample}}{\sqrt{12}} + 30 log OSR \)
With no oversampling signal to noise ratio decreases by:
\( d SNR = - 20 log \frac{(2 \pi R C ) f_{sample}}{\sqrt{12}} \)
The maximum value for fRC = 1 / (2 π R C) = 0.5 f sample
. \( d SNR = -20 log(\frac{2}{\sqrt{12}}) = 4.77 dB \) With larger oversampling rates signal to noise ratio improves by 30 log 2 = 9 dB, 9 dB / 6 dB = 1.5 bits for doubling OSR.

Increasing signal to noise with oversampling

  • Quantization error:
    \( SNR = 6.02 B dB + 1.76 dB\)
  • Averaging:
    \( SNR = 6.02 B dB + 1.76 dB + 10 \cdot log( OSR ) \)
    Increased Resolution: \( B = \frac{10 \cdot log( OSR )}{6.02} \)
  • 1st order sigma delta
    \( SNR = 6.02 B dB + 1.76 dB - 5.17 dB + 30 \cdot log( OSR ) \)
    Increased Resolution: \( B = \frac{30 \cdot log( OSR ) - 5.17 }{6.02} \)
  • 2nd order sigma delta
    \( SNR = 6.02 B dB + 1.76 dB - 12.9 dB + 50 \cdot log( OSR ) \)
    Increased Resolution: \( B = \frac{50 \cdot log( OSR ) - 12.9 }{6.02} \)
  • General limit
    \( SNR_{max} = 10 \cdot log\left( \frac{3(2n+1)}{2 \pi^{2n}} OSR^{2n+1}\right) dB \)
    \( SNR_{max} = 10 \cdot log\left( \frac{3(2n+1)}{2 \pi^{2n}}\right) + 10 \cdot (2 \cdot n + 1) \cdot log\left( OSR\right) dB \)
    OSR: oversampling rate
    n: order of sigma delta modulator

Graph increasing signal to noise with oversampling

fbw = 1 kHz
1. Order 1-bit sigma delta
8-bit resolution desired.

Signal to noise, FFT, transfer characteristic and oversampling

  • Quantization noise is spread over the number of FFT bins NFFT:
    \( \Delta SNR = 10 log\frac{N_{FFT}}{2} \)
  • Averaging can improve signal to noise ratio
    FFT: Half number of points, oversampling with ratio of OSR = 2, reduction of noise
    \( \Delta SNR = 10 log OSR \)
    Increase of number of bits: OSR = 2 gives Δ SNR = 3 dB is 1/2 bit
Example: 8-bit signal with 4-bit noise amplitude.
Signal: \( V_{rms} = \frac{V_{amplitude}}{\sqrt{2}} \)
Noise: Vrms = VPP/6 = Vamplitude/3

Averaging (OSR)BitsMax valueENOB

Reference: CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Allen, Holberg

Chapter 10.9: Oversampling Converters

  • [56] Single loop 7th order 118 dB (19 dB)
  • [54] Single loop 5th order 20 bit:
    Thomsen, Bemades, "A digitally Corrrected 20-bit Delta Sigma Modulator", ISSCC, 194-195, Feb 1994
  • [60-64] 3rd order: 2-1 MASH
    Longo, Copeland, "A 13-bit ISDN-Band Oversampled ADC..", CICC, pp.21.2.1-21.2.4, Jan 1988
    Williams, Wooley, "A Third order Sigma-Delta..", JSSC, Vol 29. No. 3, pp.193-202,Mar 1994
    Yin, Stubbe, Sansen, "Av16-bit 320 kHz CMOS ADC..", JSSC, Vol. 28, No.6, pp.640-647, June 1993
    Rabii, Wooley, " A 1.8-V 0.8um CMOS ADC", JSSC, Vol 32., No. 6, pp.783-796, June 1993
    Brandt, Wooley, "50MHz 12b 2MHz ADC", JSSC,Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 1746-1756, Dec 1991
  • [65-67] 4th order: 2-2 MASH
    Tenhunen, "An oversampled ..", ISCAS, pp. 3279-3282, May 1990
    Ritoniemi et. al., "A Stereo Audio..", JSSC, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 1514-1523, Dec 1994
    Fujimori et al., "A 5-V 111dB dynamic range", JSSC, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.329-336, Mar 1997
  • [70] 6th order: 2-2-2 MASH
    Dedic, " A sixth order", ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 188-189, Feb 1994
  • [30] MASH Decimator: Candy,Temes, oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters. IEEE Press
  • INF4420 Projects in analog/mixed signal CMOS design

Practical realization of a 1st order Sigma Delta converter

Real 1st order passive sigma delta modulator

Hardware: Digilent NEXYS 3 board with Xilinx FPGA tCLK = 100MHz.

Objectives and Challenges

Generate high resolution sine signal
Analysis of different R, C components, oversampling and timing
Data transfer and processing

Next: Advanced Sigma Delta converters

13 Advanced Sigma Delta Converters