- FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples, Xilinx Spartan-3 Version, Chu, Wiley, ca 90.- Euro,
- Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems: Quartus® II Edition, Hamblen, ca. 71.- Euro
- Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits, Agarwal, Morgan Kaufmann, ca. 78.- Euro,
MIT Opencourseware
- Microelectronic Circuit Design, R. C. Jaeger, T. N. Blalock, McGraw Hill, ca. 60.- Euro,
www.jaegerblalock.com, Boise State University, ECE322 Microelectronic Circuits
- Halbleiterschaltungstechnik, U. Tietze, Ch. Schenk, Springer Verlag, 15. Auflage ca. 90.- Euro
- Elektronische Schaltungstechnik: Grundlagen der Analogelektronik, Wolfgang Reinhold, Hanser, ca. 30 Euro
Hochschule Leipzig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Reinhold
- CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, Baker, Wiley
- Microelectronic Circuits, Adel S. Sedra, K. C. Smith, ca. 55.- Euro
- CMOS VLSI Design, Neil Weste, David Harris, ca. 100.- Euro
- Lehrbuch Digitaltechnik, Jürgen Reichardt, Oldenbourg Verlag, ca. 40 Euro
- Teaching for Quality Learning, John Biggs, Catherine Tang, Open University Press, McGraw Hill
- Frontmatter, in Engineering Education: Research and Development in Curriculum and Instruction, J. Heywood, John Wiley & Sons
- Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Hagmann, G., Aula, ca. 22.- Euro
- Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik 2, Führer, Heidemann, Nerreter, Hanser, ca. 25 Euro
- Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, David A Patterson, John L Hennesy, Morgan Kaufmann, ca. 50.- Euro
- Rechnerorganisation und -entwurf, David A Patterson, John L Hennesy, Spektrum, ca. 20 Euro